International Frontiersmen Operating Memorandum of Understanding

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) provides areas of common and agreed understanding between the various Frontiersmen units worldwide, without attempting to remove or lessen each unit’s individuality. We understand and agree that:

  1. As Frontiersmen we accept and recognize our global start point was Dec 24th, 1904, with Roger Pocock, therefore all Frontiersmen units are all ultimately of the same genesis.
  2. Each unit recognizes the regional and individual issues relating to each unit but always seeks to involve, serve or be part of activities, functions or relationships which elevate and bring credit to the title ‘Frontiersmen’ in a positive fashion globally.
  3. Each unit will respect and embrace the title Frontiersmen with exception to such situations patently false or either potentially or truly damaging to Frontiersmen overall, and that we will not openly denigrate or demean other commands or individuals serving within them in any public or private forums.
  4. Each unit working in sensitive areas such as those involving youth or working with Emergency services, shall ensure that all members have been properly security vetted according to local standards, including, where appropriate, criminal record checks to reduce any potential damaging or embarrassing issues arising that could be harmful to Frontiersmen globally.
  5. All members will wear only those legally and properly awarded and nationally recognized awards, medals or decorations of their respective countries, commands or such related in a manner neither garish nor demeaning to the uniform of the Frontiersmen and that comply with local legislation and custom.
  6. With exception to regional concerns, the Frontiersmen uniform will be retained and reflect an international spirit of unity based on our agreed upon origins as defined in #1 above.
  7. In all cases, rank structures shall be justifiable within a proper military structure and commensurate with actual numbers to retain a realistic appearance to the outside agencies we seek to serve and work alongside.
  8. As Frontiersmen, we maintain a unified front towards being an unarmed, nondiscriminatory, racially unprejudiced body formed to serve in fellowship as called upon by those lawfully in a place or position of authority.
  9. Disagreements relating to matters of public consumption shall be discussed amongst the appointed leaders of our units in a respectful and democratic manner prior to any public release, if appropriate.
  10. Anyone caught breaching these agreed upon principals or bringing discredit to the Frontiersmen shall be disciplined within their own organizational disciplinary process and if dismissed, shall not be courted, or accepted in any other Legion Command or unit.
  11. Interaction between the various Frontiersmen units shall be encouraged in areas of common interest, or potential support.
  12. Individual units shall be free to communicate with other units on mutually agreeable terms for the benefit of the interacting parties. Each unit shall nominate one or more Points of Contact for ease of communications.
  13. This MoU is supported by the leaders of each unit who may democratically agree to make changes to it, as and when required
  14. A forum consisting of the leaders of the undersigned units shall be the guardians of this MoU and ensure its adherence within their units:
  15. The Forum (The Frontiersmen Collaboration Forum) shall consist of one elected member from each unit below, each having a single vote. The chairmanship of this forum being held in annual rotation and all meetings be minuted and retained by all units. Decisions made shall be approved by majority vote and in case of tied vote, the current Chairman shall have the casting vote.

Representation (in alphabetical order):

  • 3rd Earl Kitchener’s Own Scottish Highland and Borders Frontiersmen
  • Canadian American Division, Countess Mountbatten’s Own Legion of Frontiersmen
  • Donna Isabela’s Own 6th Parachute Regiment, Legion of Frontiersmen, Independent Overseas Command
  • History and Archives, Legion of Frontiersmen
  • Independent Overseas Command, Legion of Frontiersmen Far East Command
  • Legion of Frontiersmen Canadian Division
  • Legion of Frontiersmen (New Zealand) Command Inc
  • Queensland Detachment, Legion of Frontiersmen
  • Preceptory Legion of Frontiersmen – Australia Felix (formerly Australian Division, Victorian Branch)


A. Badges of the Legion of Frontiersmen